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<DocSectionText id="accessibility" label="Accessibility" v-bind="$attrs">
<h3>Screen Reader</h3>
Galleria uses <i>region</i> role and since any attribute is passed to the main container element, attributes such as <i>aria-label</i> and <i>aria-roledescription</i> can be used as well. The slides container has
<i>aria-live</i> attribute set as "polite" if galleria is not in autoplay mode, otherwise "off" would be the value in autoplay.
A slide has a <i>group</i> role with an aria-label that refers to the <i>aria.slideNumber</i> property of the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">locale</a> API. Similarly
<i>aria.slide</i> is used as the <i>aria-roledescription</i> of the item. Inactive slides are hidden from the readers with <i>aria-hidden</i>.
Next and Previous navigators are button elements with <i>aria-label</i> attributes referring to the <i>aria.prevPageLabel</i> and <i>aria.nextPageLabel</i> properties of the
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">locale</a> API by default respectively, you may still use your own aria roles and attributes as any valid attribute is passed to the button
elements implicitly by using <i>nextButtonProps</i> and <i>prevButtonProps</i>.
Quick navigation elements and thumnbails follow the tab pattern. They are placed inside an element with a <i>tablist</i> role whereas each item has a <i>tab</i> role with <i>aria-selected</i> and <i>aria-controls</i> attributes. The
<i>aria-label</i> attribute of a quick navigation item refers to the <i>aria.pageLabel</i> of the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">locale</a> API. Current page is marked with
In full screen mode, modal element uses <i>dialog</i> role with <i>aria-modal</i> enabled. The close button retrieves <i>aria-label</i> from the <i>aria.close</i> property of the
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">locale</a> API.
<h3>Next/Prev Keyboard Support</h3>
<div class="doc-tablewrapper">
<table class="doc-table">
<td>Moves focus through interactive elements in the carousel.</td>
<td>Activates navigation.</td>
<td>Activates navigation.</td>
<h3>Quick Navigation Keyboard Support</h3>
<div class="doc-tablewrapper">
<table class="doc-table">
<td>Moves focus through the active slide link.</td>
<td>Activates the focused slide link.</td>
<td>Activates the focused slide link.</td>
<i>right arrow</i>
<td>Moves focus to the next slide link.</td>
<i>left arrow</i>
<td>Moves focus to the previous slide link.</td>
<td>Moves focus to the first slide link.</td>
<td>Moves focus to the last slide link.</td>