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Executable File

<AppDoc name="PasswordDemo" :sources="sources" github="password/PasswordDemo.vue">
<h5>Import via Module</h5>
<pre v-code.script><code>
import Password from 'primevue/password';
<h5>Import via CDN</h5>
<pre v-code><code>
&lt;script src="^3/core/core.min.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
&lt;script src="^3/password/password.min.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
<h5>Getting Started</h5>
<p>A model can be bound using the standard v-model directive.</p>
<pre v-code><code>
&lt;Password v-model="value" /&gt;
<p>Password component uses regular expressions for middle and strong passwords with the following defaults.</p>
<li>At least one lowercase</li>
<li>At least one uppercase or one number</li>
<li>Minimum 6 characters</li>
<li>At least one lowercase</li>
<li>At least one uppercase</li>
<li>At least one numeric</li>
<li>Minimum 8 characters</li>
<p>It is possible to define your own checks with the <i>mediumRegex</i> and <i>strongRegex</i> properties.</p>
<p>3 slots are included to customize the overlay. These are <i>header</i>, <i>content</i> and <i>footer</i>. Note that content overrides the default meter.</p>
<pre v-code><code>
&lt;Password v-model="value4"&gt;
&lt;template #header&gt;
&lt;h6&gt;Pick a password&lt;/h6&gt;
&lt;template #footer&gt;
&lt;Divider /&gt;
&lt;p class="mt-2"&gt;Suggestions&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;ul class="pl-2 ml-2 mt-0" style="line-height: 1.5"&gt;
&lt;li&gt;At least one lowercase&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;At least one uppercase&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;At least one numeric&lt;/li&gt;
&lt;li&gt;Minimum 8 characters&lt;/li&gt;
<p>Any property such as name and placeholder are passed to the underlying input element. Following are the additional properties to configure the component.</p>
<div class="doc-tablewrapper">
<table class="doc-table">
<td>Value of the component.</td>
<td>Identifier of the underlying input element.</td>
<td>Text to prompt password entry. Defaults to PrimeVue <nuxt-link to="/locale">Locale</nuxt-link> configuration.</td>
<td>Regex for a medium level password.</td>
<td>Regex for a strong level password.</td>
<td>Text for a weak password. Defaults to PrimeVue <nuxt-link to="/locale">Locale</nuxt-link> configuration.</td>
<td>Text for a medium password. Defaults to PrimeVue <nuxt-link to="/locale">Locale</nuxt-link> configuration.</td>
<td>Text for a strong password. Defaults to PrimeVue <nuxt-link to="/locale">Locale</nuxt-link> configuration.</td>
<td>Whether to show the strength indicator or not.</td>
<td>Whether to show an icon to display the password as plain text.</td>
<td>A valid query selector or an HTMLElement to specify where the overlay gets attached. Special keywords are "body" for document body and "self" for the element itself.</td>
<td>pi pi-eye-slash</td>
<td>Icon to hide displaying the password as plain text.</td>
<td>pi pi-eye</td>
<td>Icon to show displaying the password as plain text.</td>
<td>When present, it specifies that the element should be disabled.</td>
<td>Placeholder text for the input.</td>
<td>When present, it specifies that an input field must be filled out before submitting the form.</td>
<td>Style class of the component input field.</td>
<td>Style class of the input field.</td>
<td>Inline style of the input field.</td>
<td>Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLInputElement to the focusable input element inside the component.</td>
<td>Identifier of the underlying overlay panel element.</td>
<td>Style class of the overlay panel.</td>
<td>Inline style of the overlay panel.</td>
<td>Uses to pass all properties of the HTMLDivElement to the overlay panel inside the component.</td>
<p>Any valid event such as focus, blur and input are passed to the underlying input element.</p>
<div class="doc-tablewrapper">
<table class="doc-table">
<p>Following is the list of structural style classes, for theming classes visit <nuxt-link to="/theming">theming</nuxt-link> page.</p>
<div class="doc-tablewrapper">
<table class="doc-table">
<td>Container of password panel</td>
<td>Meter element of password strength</td>
<td>Text to display strength</td>
<h6>Screen Reader</h6>
Value to describe the component can either be provided via <i>label</i> tag combined with <i>id</i> prop or using <i>aria-labelledby</i>, <i>aria-label</i> props. Screen reader is notified about the changes to the strength of the password
using a section that has <i>aria-live</i> while typing.
<pre v-code><code>
&lt;label for="pwd1"&gt;Password&lt;/label&gt;
&lt;Password inputId="pwd1" /&gt;
&lt;span id="pwd2"&gt;Password&lt;/span&gt;
&lt;Password aria-labelledby="pwd2" /&gt;
&lt;Password aria-label="Password"/&gt;
<h6>Keyboard Support</h6>
<div class="doc-tablewrapper">
<table class="doc-table">
<td>Moves focus to the input.</td>
<td>Hides the strength meter if open.</td>
export default {
data() {
return {
sources: {
'options-api': {
tabName: 'Options API Source',
content: `
<Password v-model="value1" :feedback="false" />
<h5>Password Meter</h5>
<Password v-model="value2" />
<h5>Show Password</h5>
<Password v-model="value3" toggleMask></Password>
<Password v-model="value4">
<template #header>
<h6>Pick a password</h6>
<template #footer="sp">
<Divider />
<p class="mt-2">Suggestions</p>
<ul class="pl-2 ml-2 mt-0" style="line-height: 1.5">
<li>At least one lowercase</li>
<li>At least one uppercase</li>
<li>At least one numeric</li>
<li>Minimum 8 characters</li>
export default {
data() {
return {
value1: null,
value2: null,
value3: null,
value4: null
<style lang="scss" scoped>
::v-deep(.p-password input) {
width: 15rem
'composition-api': {
tabName: 'Composition API Source',
content: `
<Password v-model="value1" :feedback="false" />
<h5>Password Meter</h5>
<Password v-model="value2" />
<h5>Show Password</h5>
<Password v-model="value3" toggleMask></Password>
<Password v-model="value4">
<template #header>
<h6>Pick a password</h6>
<template #footer="sp">
<Divider />
<p class="mt-2">Suggestions</p>
<ul class="pl-2 ml-2 mt-0" style="line-height: 1.5">
<li>At least one lowercase</li>
<li>At least one uppercase</li>
<li>At least one numeric</li>
<li>Minimum 8 characters</li>
import { ref } from 'vue';
export default {
setup() {
const value1 = ref();
const value2 = ref();
const value3 = ref();
const value4 = ref();
return { value1, value2, value3, value4 }
<style lang="scss" scoped>
::v-deep(.p-password input) {
width: 15rem
'browser-source': {
tabName: 'Browser Source',
imports: `<script src="^3/password/password.min.js"><\\/script>
<script src="^3/divider/divider.min.js"><\\/script>`,
content: `<div id="app">
<p-password v-model="value1" :feedback="false"></p-password>
<h5>p-password Meter</h5>
<p-password v-model="value2"></p-password>
<h5>Show p-password</h5>
<p-password v-model="value3" toggle-mask></p-password>
<p-password v-model="value4">
<template #header>
<h6>Pick a password</h6>
<template #footer="sp">
<p class="mt-2">Suggestions</p>
<ul class="pl-2 ml-2 mt-0" style="line-height: 1.5">
<li>At least one lowercase</li>
<li>At least one uppercase</li>
<li>At least one numeric</li>
<li>Minimum 8 characters</li>
<script type="module">
const { createApp, ref } = Vue;
const App = {
setup() {
const value1 = ref();
const value2 = ref();
const value3 = ref();
const value4 = ref();
return { value1, value2, value3, value4 }
components: {
"p-password": primevue.password,
"p-divider": primevue.divider
.p-password input {
width: 15rem