
327 lines
13 KiB

import BaseStyle from 'primevue/base/style';
import Theme from 'primevue/themes';
import { ObjectUtils } from 'primevue/utils';
import { mergeProps } from 'vue';
import BaseComponentStyle from './style/BaseComponentStyle';
export default {
name: 'BaseComponent',
props: {
pt: {
type: Object,
default: undefined
ptOptions: {
type: Object,
default: undefined
unstyled: {
type: Boolean,
default: undefined
inject: {
$parentInstance: {
default: undefined
watch: {
isUnstyled: {
immediate: true,
handler(newValue) {
if (!newValue) {
this.$ && this.$style.loadStyle(this.$styleOptions);
$theme: {
deep: true,
immediate: true,
handler(newValue) {
beforeCreate() {
const _usept =['_usept'];
const originalValue = _usept ?[this.$] : undefined;
const value = _usept ?[this.$] :;
(value || originalValue)?.hooks?.['onBeforeCreate']?.();
const _useptInConfig = this.$config?.pt?.['_usept'];
const originalValueInConfig = _useptInConfig ? this.$primevue?.config?.pt?.originalValue : undefined;
const valueInConfig = _useptInConfig ? this.$primevue?.config?.pt?.value : this.$primevue?.config?.pt;
(valueInConfig || originalValueInConfig)?.[this.$]?.hooks?.['onBeforeCreate']?.();
created() {
beforeMount() {
mounted() {
beforeUpdate() {
updated() {
beforeUnmount() {
unmounted() {
methods: {
_hook(hookName) {
if (!this.$options.hostName) {
const selfHook = this._usePT(this._getPT(, this.$, this._getOptionValue, `hooks.${hookName}`);
const defaultHook = this._useDefaultPT(this._getOptionValue, `hooks.${hookName}`);
_mergeProps(fn, ...args) {
return ObjectUtils.isFunction(fn) ? fn(...args) : mergeProps(...args);
_loadStyles() {
// apply theme settings
_loadGlobalStyles() {
* @todo Add self custom css support;
* <Panel :pt="{ css: `...` }" .../>
* const selfCSS = this._getPTClassValue(, 'css', this.$params);
* const defaultCSS = this._getPTClassValue(this.defaultPT, 'css', this.$params);
* const mergedCSS = mergeProps(selfCSS, defaultCSS);
* ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(mergedCSS?.class) && this.$css.loadCustomStyle(mergedCSS?.class);
const globalCSS = this._useGlobalPT(this._getOptionValue, 'global.css', this.$params);
ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(globalCSS) && BaseComponentStyle.loadGlobalStyle(globalCSS, this.$styleOptions);
_loadThemeStyles(theme) {
// layer order
const layerOrder = this.$style?.getLayerOrderThemeCSS();
BaseStyle.loadTheme(layerOrder, { name: 'layer-order', first: true, ...this.$styleOptions });
// common
const { primitive, semantic, global } = this.$style?.getCommonThemeCSS?.(theme, this.$themeParams) || {};
BaseStyle.loadTheme(primitive, { name: 'primitive-variables', ...this.$styleOptions });
BaseStyle.loadTheme(semantic, { name: 'semantic-variables', ...this.$styleOptions });
BaseComponentStyle.loadGlobalTheme(global, this.$styleOptions);
// component
const { variables, style } = this.$style?.getComponentThemeCSS?.(theme, this.$themeParams) || {};
this.$style?.loadTheme(variables, { name: `${this.$}-variables`, ...this.$styleOptions });
this.$style?.loadTheme(style, this.$styleOptions);
_getHostInstance(instance) {
return instance ? (this.$options.hostName ? (instance.$ === this.$options.hostName ? instance : this._getHostInstance(instance.$parentInstance)) : instance.$parentInstance) : undefined;
_getPropValue(name) {
return this[name] || this._getHostInstance(this)?.[name];
_getOptionValue(options, key = '', params = {}) {
const fKeys = ObjectUtils.toFlatCase(key).split('.');
const fKey = fKeys.shift();
return fKey
? ObjectUtils.isObject(options)
? this._getOptionValue(ObjectUtils.getItemValue(options[Object.keys(options).find((k) => ObjectUtils.toFlatCase(k) === fKey) || ''], params), fKeys.join('.'), params)
: undefined
: ObjectUtils.getItemValue(options, params);
_getPTValue(obj = {}, key = '', params = {}, searchInDefaultPT = true) {
const searchOut = /./g.test(key) && !!params[key.split('.')[0]];
const { mergeSections = true, mergeProps: useMergeProps = false } = this._getPropValue('ptOptions') || this.$config?.ptOptions || {};
const global = searchInDefaultPT ? (searchOut ? this._useGlobalPT(this._getPTClassValue, key, params) : this._useDefaultPT(this._getPTClassValue, key, params)) : undefined;
const self = searchOut ? undefined : this._getPTSelf(obj, this._getPTClassValue, key, { ...params, global: global || {} });
const datasets = this._getPTDatasets(key);
return mergeSections || (!mergeSections && self) ? (useMergeProps ? this._mergeProps(useMergeProps, global, self, datasets) : {, ...self, ...datasets }) : { ...self, ...datasets };
_getPTSelf(obj = {}, ...args) {
return mergeProps(
this._usePT(this._getPT(obj, this.$name), ...args), // Exp; <component :pt="{}"
this._usePT(this.$_attrsPT, ...args) // Exp; <component :pt:[passthrough_key]:[attribute]="{value}" or <component :pt:[passthrough_key]="() =>{value}"
_getPTDatasets(key = '') {
const datasetPrefix = 'data-pc-';
const isExtended = key === 'root' && ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(['data-pc-section']);
return (
key !== 'transition' && {
...(key === 'root' && {
[`${datasetPrefix}name`]: ObjectUtils.toFlatCase(isExtended ?['data-pc-section'] : this.$,
...(isExtended && { [`${datasetPrefix}extend`]: ObjectUtils.toFlatCase(this.$ })
[`${datasetPrefix}section`]: ObjectUtils.toFlatCase(key)
_getPTClassValue(...args) {
const value = this._getOptionValue(...args);
return ObjectUtils.isString(value) || ObjectUtils.isArray(value) ? { class: value } : value;
_getPT(pt, key = '', callback) {
const getValue = (value, checkSameKey = false) => {
const computedValue = callback ? callback(value) : value;
const _key = ObjectUtils.toFlatCase(key);
const _cKey = ObjectUtils.toFlatCase(this.$name);
return (checkSameKey ? (_key !== _cKey ? computedValue?.[_key] : undefined) : computedValue?.[_key]) ?? computedValue;
return pt?.hasOwnProperty('_usept')
? {
_usept: pt['_usept'],
originalValue: getValue(pt.originalValue),
value: getValue(pt.value)
: getValue(pt, true);
_usePT(pt, callback, key, params) {
const fn = (value) => callback(value, key, params);
if (pt?.hasOwnProperty('_usept')) {
const { mergeSections = true, mergeProps: useMergeProps = false } = pt['_usept'] || this.$config?.ptOptions || {};
const originalValue = fn(pt.originalValue);
const value = fn(pt.value);
if (originalValue === undefined && value === undefined) return undefined;
else if (ObjectUtils.isString(value)) return value;
else if (ObjectUtils.isString(originalValue)) return originalValue;
return mergeSections || (!mergeSections && value) ? (useMergeProps ? this._mergeProps(useMergeProps, originalValue, value) : { ...originalValue, ...value }) : value;
return fn(pt);
_useGlobalPT(callback, key, params) {
return this._usePT(this.globalPT, callback, key, params);
_useDefaultPT(callback, key, params) {
return this._usePT(this.defaultPT, callback, key, params);
ptm(key = '', params = {}) {
return this._getPTValue(, key, { ...this.$params, ...params });
ptmi(key = '', params = {}) {
// inheritAttrs:true without `pt:*`
return mergeProps(this.$_attrsNoPT, this.ptm(key, params));
ptmo(obj = {}, key = '', params = {}) {
return this._getPTValue(obj, key, { instance: this, ...params }, false);
cx(key = '', params = {}) {
return !this.isUnstyled ? this._getOptionValue(this.$style.classes, key, { ...this.$params, ...params }) : undefined;
sx(key = '', when = true, params = {}) {
if (when) {
const self = this._getOptionValue(this.$style.inlineStyles, key, { ...this.$params, ...params });
const base = this._getOptionValue(BaseComponentStyle.inlineStyles, key, { ...this.$params, ...params });
return [base, self];
return undefined;
computed: {
globalPT() {
return this._getPT(this.$config?.pt, undefined, (value) => ObjectUtils.getItemValue(value, { instance: this }));
defaultPT() {
return this._getPT(this.$config?.pt, undefined, (value) => this._getOptionValue(value, this.$name, { ...this.$params }) || ObjectUtils.getItemValue(value, { ...this.$params }));
isUnstyled() {
return this.unstyled !== undefined ? this.unstyled : this.$config?.unstyled;
$theme() {
return this.$config?.theme;
$style() {
return { classes: undefined, inlineStyles: undefined, loadStyle: () => {}, loadCustomStyle: () => {}, loadTheme: () => {}, ...(this._getHostInstance(this) || {}).$style, ...this.$ };
$styleOptions() {
return { nonce: this.$config?.csp?.nonce };
$config() {
return this.$primevue?.config;
$name() {
return this.$options.hostName || this.$;
$params() {
const parentInstance = this._getHostInstance(this) || this.$parent;
return {
instance: this,
props: this.$props,
state: this.$data,
attrs: this.$attrs,
parent: {
instance: parentInstance,
props: parentInstance?.$props,
state: parentInstance?.$data,
attrs: parentInstance?.$attrs
/* @deprecated since v3.43.0. Use the `parent.instance` instead of the `parentInstance`.*/
$themeParams() {
return {
theme: this.$theme
$_attrsPT() {
return Object.entries(this.$attrs || {})
.filter(([key]) => key?.startsWith('pt:'))
.reduce((result, [key, value]) => {
const [,] = key.split(':');
rest?.reduce((currentObj, nestedKey, index, array) => {
!currentObj[nestedKey] && (currentObj[nestedKey] = index === array.length - 1 ? value : {});
return currentObj[nestedKey];
}, result);
return result;
}, {});
$_attrsNoPT() {
// $attrs without `pt:*`
return Object.entries(this.$attrs || {})
.filter(([key]) => !key?.startsWith('pt:'))
.reduce((acc, [key, value]) => {
acc[key] = value;
return acc;
}, {});