
272 lines
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<DocSectionText v-bind="$attrs">
It can be integrated with with schema libraries such as <a href="">Zod</a>, <a href="">Yup</a>, <a href="">Joi</a>, <a href="">Valibot</a>,
<a href="">Superstruct</a> or custom validation logic is possible using <i>resolver</i> property, with available resolvers from <i>@primevue/form/resolvers</i> for each schema.
<div class="card flex flex-col items-center gap-5">
<Fieldset legend="Schema">
<RadioButtonGroup v-model="selectedSchema" name="schema" class="flex flex-wrap gap-4" @update:modelValue="changeResolver">
<div class="flex items-center">
<RadioButton inputId="zod" value="Zod" />
<label for="zod" class="ml-2">Zod</label>
<div class="flex items-center">
<RadioButton inputId="yup" value="Yup" />
<label for="yup" class="ml-2">Yup</label>
<div class="flex items-center">
<RadioButton inputId="valibot" value="Valibot" />
<label for="valibot" class="ml-2">Valibot</label>
<div class="flex items-center">
<RadioButton inputId="superStruct" value="SuperStruct" />
<label for="superStruct" class="ml-2">SuperStruct</label>
<div class="flex items-center">
<RadioButton inputId="custom" value="Custom" />
<label for="custom" class="ml-2">Custom</label>
<Form v-slot="$form" :initialValues :resolver @submit="onFormSubmit" class="flex flex-col gap-4 w-full sm:w-56">
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2">
<InputText name="username" type="text" placeholder="Username" fluid />
<Message v-if="$form.username?.invalid" severity="error">{{ $form.username.error.message }}</Message>
<Button type="submit" severity="secondary" label="Submit" />
<DocSectionCode :code="code" :dependencies="{ zod: '3.23.8' }" />
import { superStructResolver, valibotResolver, yupResolver, zodResolver } from '@primevue/form/resolvers';
import * as s from 'superstruct';
import * as v from 'valibot';
import * as yup from 'yup';
import { z } from 'zod';
export default {
data() {
return {
initialValues: {
username: ''
selectedSchema: 'Zod',
resolver: zodResolver(
username: z.string().min(1, { message: 'Username is required via Zod.' })
code: {
basic: `
<Fieldset legend="Schema">
<RadioButtonGroup v-model="selectedSchema" name="schema" class="flex flex-wrap gap-4" @update:modelValue="changeResolver">
<div class="flex items-center">
<RadioButton inputId="zod" value="Zod" />
<label for="zod" class="ml-2">Zod</label>
<div class="flex items-center">
<RadioButton inputId="yup" value="Yup" />
<label for="yup" class="ml-2">Yup</label>
<div class="flex items-center">
<RadioButton inputId="valibot" value="Valibot" />
<label for="valibot" class="ml-2">Valibot</label>
<div class="flex items-center">
<RadioButton inputId="superStruct" value="SuperStruct" />
<label for="superStruct" class="ml-2">SuperStruct</label>
<div class="flex items-center">
<RadioButton inputId="custom" value="Custom" />
<label for="custom" class="ml-2">Custom</label>
<Form v-slot="$form" :initialValues :resolver @submit="onFormSubmit" class="flex flex-col gap-4 w-full sm:w-56">
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2">
<InputText name="username" type="text" placeholder="Username" fluid />
<Message v-if="$form.username?.invalid" severity="error">{{ $form.username.error.message }}</Message>
<Button type="submit" severity="secondary" label="Submit" />
options: `
<Fieldset legend="Schema">
<RadioButtonGroup v-model="selectedSchema" name="schema" class="flex flex-wrap gap-4" @update:modelValue="changeResolver">
<div class="flex items-center">
<RadioButton inputId="zod" value="Zod" />
<label for="zod" class="ml-2">Zod</label>
<div class="flex items-center">
<RadioButton inputId="yup" value="Yup" />
<label for="yup" class="ml-2">Yup</label>
<div class="flex items-center">
<RadioButton inputId="valibot" value="Valibot" />
<label for="valibot" class="ml-2">Valibot</label>
<div class="flex items-center">
<RadioButton inputId="superStruct" value="SuperStruct" />
<label for="superStruct" class="ml-2">SuperStruct</label>
<div class="flex items-center">
<RadioButton inputId="custom" value="Custom" />
<label for="custom" class="ml-2">Custom</label>
<Form v-slot="$form" :initialValues :resolver @submit="onFormSubmit" class="flex flex-col gap-4 w-full sm:w-56">
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2">
<InputText name="username" type="text" placeholder="Username" fluid />
<Message v-if="$form.username?.invalid" severity="error">{{ $form.username.error.message }}</Message>
<Button type="submit" severity="secondary" label="Submit" />
import { superStructResolver, valibotResolver, yupResolver, zodResolver } from '@primevue/form/resolvers';
import * as s from 'superstruct';
import * as v from 'valibot';
import * as yup from 'yup';
import { z } from 'zod';
export default {
data() {
return {
initialValues: {
username: ''
selectedSchema: 'Zod',
resolver: zodResolver(
username: z.string().min(1, { message: 'Username is required via Zod.' })
methods: {
changeResolver(schema) {
if (schema === 'Zod') {
this.resolver = zodResolver(
username: z.string().min(1, { message: 'Username is required via Zod.' })
} else if (schema === 'Yup') {
this.resolver = yupResolver(
username: yup.string().required('Username is required via Yup.')
} else if (schema === 'Valibot') {
this.resolver = valibotResolver(
username: v.pipe(v.string(), v.minLength(1, 'Username is required via Valibot.'))
} else if (schema === 'SuperStruct') {
this.resolver = superStructResolver(
username: s.nonempty(s.string())
} else if (schema === 'Custom') {
this.resolver = ({ values }) => {
const errors = {};
if (!values.username) {
errors.username = [{ message: 'Username is required.' }];
return {
onFormSubmit({ valid }) {
if (valid) {
this.$toast.add({ severity: 'success', summary: 'Form is submitted.', life: 3000 });
composition: `
<template #title>Simple Card</template>
<template #content>
<p class="m-0">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Inventore sed consequuntur error repudiandae numquam deserunt quisquam repellat libero asperiores earum nam nobis, culpa ratione quam perferendis esse, cupiditate neque
<script setup>
methods: {
changeResolver(schema) {
if (schema === 'Zod') {
this.resolver = zodResolver(
username: z.string().min(1, { message: 'Username is required via Zod.' })
} else if (schema === 'Yup') {
this.resolver = yupResolver(
username: yup.string().required('Username is required via Yup.')
} else if (schema === 'Valibot') {
this.resolver = valibotResolver(
username: v.pipe(v.string(), v.minLength(1, 'Username is required via Valibot.'))
} else if (schema === 'SuperStruct') {
this.resolver = superStructResolver(
username: s.nonempty(s.string())
} else if (schema === 'Custom') {
this.resolver = ({ values }) => {
const errors = {};
if (!values.username) {
errors.username = [{ message: 'Username is required.' }];
return {
onFormSubmit({ valid }) {
if (valid) {
this.$toast.add({ severity: 'success', summary: 'Form is submitted.', life: 3000 });