308 lines
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308 lines
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<div className="doc-main">
<div className="doc-intro">
<h1>{{ header }} API</h1>
<p>API defines helper props, events and others for the PrimeVue {{ header }} module.</p>
<DocSections :docs="docs" :header="header" />
<DocSectionNav :docs="docs" />
import APIDocs from '@/doc/common/apidoc/index.json';
import DocApiTable from './DocApiTable.vue';
export default {
props: {
header: {
type: String,
default: ''
doc: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
data() {
return {
docs: []
mounted() {
this.docs = this.createDocs();
methods: {
createDocs() {
const newDocs = [];
for (const docName of this.doc) {
const moduleName = docName.toLowerCase();
const regex = /\[Live Demo][\s\S]*/g;
let newDoc = {
id: `api.${moduleName}`,
label: docName,
description: APIDocs[moduleName]?.description.replace(regex, '') || null,
children: []
const values = APIDocs[moduleName].interfaces.values;
const componentValues = APIDocs[moduleName]?.components;
const props = values[`${docName}Props`];
const emits = values[`${docName}Emits`];
const slots = values[`${docName}Slots`];
const methods = componentValues ? componentValues['default'].methods : null;
const types = APIDocs[moduleName]['types'];
let events = this.findEvents(values);
const interfaces = this.findOtherInterfaces(values, docName);
const options = this.findOptions(values, docName); // Only for MenuItem
if (props && props.props.length) {
id: `api.${moduleName}.props`,
label: 'Props',
component: DocApiTable,
data: this.setPropsData(props.props),
description: props.description
if (emits && emits.methods.length) {
id: `api.${moduleName}.emits`,
label: 'Emits',
component: DocApiTable,
data: this.setEmitData(emits.methods),
description: emits.description
if (slots && slots.methods.length > 0) {
id: `api.${moduleName}.slots`,
label: 'Slots',
component: DocApiTable,
data: this.setEmitData(slots.methods),
description: slots.description
if (methods && methods.values.length > 0) {
id: `api.${moduleName}.methods`,
label: 'Methods',
component: DocApiTable,
data: this.setEmitData(methods.values),
description: APIDocs[moduleName].interfaces.methodDescription
if (events && events.length) {
id: `api.${moduleName}.events`,
label: 'Events',
component: DocApiTable,
data: this.setEventsData(moduleName, events),
description: APIDocs[moduleName].interfaces.eventDescription
if (interfaces && interfaces.length > 0) {
const isValidDirective = this.checkDirectiveInterfaces(interfaces);
if (!isValidDirective) return;
id: `api.${moduleName}.interfaces`,
label: 'Interfaces',
component: DocApiTable,
data: this.setInterfacesData(moduleName, interfaces),
description: APIDocs[moduleName].interfaces.description || null
if (types) {
id: `api.${moduleName}.types`,
label: 'Types',
component: DocApiTable,
data: this.setTypesData(moduleName, types.values),
description: APIDocs[moduleName].interfaces.typeDescription || null
if (options) {
id: `api.${moduleName}.options`,
label: 'Options',
component: DocApiTable,
data: this.setPropsData(options[0].values.props)
return newDocs;
setEmitData(emits) {
const data = [];
for (const emit of emits) {
/* const parameters = emit.parameters.reduce((acc, param) => {
acc.push(`${param.name}: ${param.type}`);
return acc;
}, []); */
name: emit.name,
parameters: {
name: emit.parameters[0]?.name,
type: emit.parameters[0]?.type
returnType: emit.returnType,
description: emit.description
return data;
setPropsData(props) {
const data = [];
for (const prop of props) {
name: prop.name,
type: prop.type,
default: prop.default,
description: prop.description
return data;
setEventsData(moduleName, events) {
const data = [];
for (const event of events) {
const eventData = {
id: `api.${moduleName}.events.${event.key}`,
label: event.key,
component: DocApiTable,
description: event.values.description,
relatedProp: event.values.relatedProp,
data: []
if (event.values.relatedProp) {
eventData.relatedProp = event.values.relatedProp;
event.values.props.forEach((prop) => {
name: prop.name,
type: prop.type,
description: prop.description
return data;
setInterfacesData(moduleName, interfaces) {
const data = [];
for (const interfaceData of interfaces) {
const interfaceDatas = {
id: `api.${moduleName}.interfaces.${interfaceData.key}`,
label: interfaceData.key,
component: DocApiTable,
description: interfaceData.values.description,
data: []
interfaceData.values.props.forEach((prop) => {
name: prop.name,
type: prop.type,
default: prop.default,
description: prop.description
return data;
setTypesData(moduleName, types) {
const data = [];
for (const key of Object.keys(types)) {
const value = types[key];
const typeData = {
id: `api.${moduleName}.types.${key}`,
label: key,
component: DocApiTable,
data: []
values: value.values
return data;
findEvents(values) {
const events = [];
for (const key of Object.keys(values)) {
if (key.includes('Event')) {
events.push({ key, values: values[key] });
return events;
findOtherInterfaces(values, docName) {
const interfaces = [];
for (const key of Object.keys(values)) {
if (!key.includes('Event') && !key.includes('Props') && !key.includes('Emits') && !key.includes('Slots') && key !== docName) {
interfaces.push({ key, values: values[key] });
return interfaces;
findOptions(values, docName) {
if (docName !== 'MenuItem') return;
const options = [];
for (const key of Object.keys(values)) {
if (key === 'MenuItem') {
options.push({ key, values: values[key] });
return options;
checkDirectiveInterfaces(interfaces) {
const findMainInterface = interfaces.find((interfaceData) => interfaceData.key.includes('DirectiveBinding'));
return !findMainInterface || findMainInterface.values.props.length > 0;