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Creating a JavaScript Action
The node12-template repo contains everything you need to get started.
Create a Repo from the Template
Navigate to https://github.com/actions/node12-template
Click on Use this template
to create the repo for your action.
Complete creating your repo and clone the repo.
NOTE: The location of the repo will be how users will reference your action in their workflow file with the using keyword.
e.g. To use https://github.com/actions/setup-node, user's will author:
using: actions/setup-node@master
Install Dependencies
This will install the toolkit and other dependencies
$ npm install
The production dependencies are vendored into your action. At runtime, the self contained action will be downloaded, extracted and run.
Define Metadata
Your action has a name and a description. Update the author.
Create inputs that your unit of work will need. These will be what workflow authors set with the with:
name: 'My new action'
description: 'A test action'
author: 'GitHub'
description: 'Input to use'
default: 'world'
using: 'node12'
main: 'lib/main.js'
Note that the action will be run with node 12 (carried by the runner) and the entry point is specified with main:
Change Code and Add Tests
The entry point is in main.ts
import * as core from '@actions/core';
async function run() {
try {
const myInput = core.getInput('myInput');
core.debug(`Hello ${myInput}!`);
} catch (error) {
Modify tests in __tests__\main.test.ts
. The template uses jest.
Format the Code
$ npm run format
Build and Test
$ npm run build
> node12-template-action@0.0.0 build /Users/user/Projects/testnode12
> tsc
$ npm test
> jest
PASS __tests__/main.test.ts
TODO - Add a test suite
✓ TODO - Add a test (1ms)
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Commit and Push Changes
$ git add <whatever only files you added>
$ git commit -m "Message"
IMPORTANT: do not git add or .gitignore node_modules.
Husky will add/vendor node_modules and prune dev dependencies. See husky in package.json for details. There is no need for you to add node_modules.
NOTE: We understand that the process of checking in node_modules is currently somewhat painful for some use cases. We are actively tracking an enhancement in this issue to improve this process (and are open to any suggestions 😄).
In the meantime we still strongly encourage you to not check in dev-dependencies, it will significantly bloat the size of actions and degrade the experience.
Publish Action
Simply push your action to publish.
$ git push
NOTE: Consider versioning your actions with tags. See versioning