When currently executing the `require` command for a package that is already listed in `require(-dev)`, one must use the exact same, case matching package name as written in `composer.json`. That is, if one changes the case of a character in the package name, the `require` command will add a new entry to `require(-dev)`, instead of updating the existing one.
This commit fixes the described behaviour to make it consistent with other commands like `update` that are already case insensitive.
It is known that composer update takes a lot of memory: #5915, #5902,
I am playing with a profiler (@blackfireio) to make a demo in my local
PHP meetup (@phpvigo) and I found out a way to use less memory. These
are my first tests:
* Private project using PHP 5.6:
* Memory: from 1.31GB to 1.07GB
* Wall Time: from 2min 8s to 1min 33s
* symfony-demo using PHP 7.1 in my old mac book:
* Memory: from 667MB to 523MB
* Wall Time: from 5min 29s to 5min 28s
Not use an array inside conflict rules is this improvement main idea:
//Memory 38MB
class Rule
public $literals;
public function __construct(array $literals)
$this->literals = $literals;
$rules = array();
$i = 0;
while ($i<80000){ //
$array = array(-$i, $i);
$rule = new Rule($array);
$rules[] = $rule;
//Memory 11.1MB
class Rule2Literals
public $literal1;
public $literal2;
public function __construct($literal1, $literal2)
$this->literal1 = $literal1;
$this->literal2 = $literal2;
$rules = array();
$i = 0;
while ($i<80000){ //
$rule = new ConflictRule(-$i, $i);
$rules[] = $rule;
More info https://github.com/composer/composer/pull/6168
The former implementation used the 'src' endpoint which returned some meta data as well.
This has been replaced with the 'raw' endpoint which does not return the meta data and does not need an extra JSON decode step.
Store the Bitbucket access-token (and the expiration time) so it can be re-used within the time it is valid.
The Bitbucket::requestToken and Bitbucket::getToken now only return the access-token and not all other parameters it receives from the Bitbucket API.