78 KiB
2.10.3 (2023-11-22)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- OrderList: order of selection reversed when moving multiple items to top or bottom #4700
- Calendar: Crashes when Tab pressed and calendar overlay is not showing #4586
- Calendar: Months are not highlighted with selection-mode="multiple" #3988
2.10.2 (2023-08-16)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Calendar: updateFocus called on unmounted instance #3962
- DataTable: row group header colspan doesn't span full row when table has selection column #3685
- CascadeSelect: "TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined
setting 'minWidth'
" when using appendTo=body #3479 - TabMenu: First tab is always highlighted even when selected other tabs #3368
2.10.1 (2022-11-18)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Slider v2: onDragStart() -> this.modelValue is undefined #3251
- Slider v2: range does not work #2986
- InputNumber v2: Component with Horizontal with step down disabled #2980
- Password v2: Initial value is not displayed #2894
- Textarea v2: resize height when window resized if autoResize is true #2919
- SpeedDial v2: Cannot use Scoped Slot to customize items #2889
2.10.0 (2022-08-23)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Button: Bring the loading prop from primevue3 to primevue2 #2655
- Password: Missing change and blur events #2610
- v2 PrimeVue @keyup.enter event does not work on InputNumber component #2336
Fixed bugs:
- Calendar: Inconsistent @select-month values #2859
- MegaMenu subItems 'to' route ' is not working #2501
- Datatable column order state is not saved #2346
- DataTable SelectAll checkbox stay focused after deselecting #2329
- Cannot use the editorCancelCallBack / editorSaveCallback while editing in cell mode #2598
- v2 Calendar - Could not edit end date with time picker properly #2546
2.9.2 (2022-04-13)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Ripple v2 directive breaks the behavior of list components in Firefox #2430
- Calendar | Loses alignment when positioned at the top of the input and the user clicks in the year/month #2422
- StyleClass v2 may fail to enter the element #2420
- Tooltip v2 shown at wrong place #2416
- Slider v2 | Range slider get stuck when both handle on max value #2414
- FileUpload v2: Custom upload bug on clear list #2412
- DataTable v2 | Colspan defect with hidden Columns #2410
2.9.1 (2022-03-16)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- v2 Add p-button-* class support to SplitButton #2300
- Calendar v2 | hide timepicker on month/year select #2290
- v2 New stripedRows property for OrderList and PickList #2288
- MultiSelect v2 | Filter autocomplete attribute support #2286
- v2 Custom Table CSV Export Headers #2284
- Knob v2 | replace surface letters with new surface variables #2282
- v2 Replace surface letters with new surface variables #2280
- DataTable v2 editor templating #2277
- InputNumber v2 | Emit focus and blur events added #1795
Fixed bugs:
- v2 Dropdown search don't work with Gboard #2297
- v2 DataTable row-select and row-unselect index is always undefined #2295
- v2 Scrollable TabView forwardIsDisabled defect #2292
- Row editing does not work as expected in DataTable #2270
- v2 DataTable ColGroup in footer/header: Cannot read properties of undefined
reading 'tag'
2.9.0 (2022-02-07)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- New v2 TreeTable showGridlines property #2115
- v2 DataTable component does not work correctly "Checkbox selection" together with "lazy" #2109
- Dialog v2: close button cannot receive focus #2087
- PrimeFlex 3 update for PrimeVue 2 showcase #2085
- v2 Update themes for datatable list shadow style #2072
- v2 New Color Scheme for Lara Dark #2070
- New Dialog v2 containerStyle prop and modal leave defect #1957
Fixed bugs:
- Sidebar v2: ripple appears in the wrong place #2105
- TreeTable v2 | ColResize Expand Mode not Compatible with Table Scroll and Frozen #2101
- v2 Dropdown doesn't display empty string #2095
- v2 Tree node toggler button is shrunk until not visible if label starts to not fit the node #2093
- Tag v2 doesn't show icon when slot is used instead of "value" attribute #2091
- DataTable v2: Inline filterMenuStyle doesn't add css properties #2089
- DataTable v2 | ColResize Expand Mode not Compatible with Table Scroll #2080
- v2 DataTable, TreeTable | Checkbox and RadioButton Focus Missing on Material #2078
- Calendar v2: the Year is incorrect for Multiple Months mode #2076
- v2 Tailwind theme - wrong styles #2071
- bugfix panelMenuSub isActive bug in 2.8.0 #1986
2.8.0 (2021-12-14)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Provide chartjs object v2 #1887
- Calendar v2 | Escape Support For Month and Year Picker #1879
- Constants for Toast #1874
- Constants for PrimeIcons #1873
- Add inputStyle to PrimeVue Config v2 #1871
- responsiveLayout for TreeTable v2 #1870
- Reimplemented TreeTable with new FilterService #1869
- New Utils module #1867
- New OverlayEventBus #1866
- New FilterService Utility #1865
- Reimplemented DataTable v2 #1864
Fixed bugs:
- Slider range with min/max bug #1882
- Calendar v2 | Year Picker and Month Picker empty when using Range and Multiple options #1880
- Calendar v2 manual input doesn't work #1878
- Dropdown v2 positioning issue #1868
- Disable VirtualScroll DataTable v2 #1863
2.7.0 (2021-11-25)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Remove mitt event bus #1826
- New calendar styple props for v2 #1824
- Dynamic labels for Menu components v2 #1821
- Update Chart to trigger on any change to object data - v2 #1813
- Vue as peer dependency #1812
- icon templating for Message v2 #1811
- PickList v2 slots before and after the buttons #1806
- OrderList v2 slots before and after the buttons #1805
- Add responsiveOptions property to Calendar v2 #1803
- Year Picker for Calendar v2 #1802
- Enhanced UI for month and year picker for Calendar v2 #1801
- Default focus button should be configurable for ConfirmDialog v2 #1797
- New rowStyle prop for DataTable v2 #1790
- Disabled buttons on InputNumber v2 when value reach min, max #1789
- Templating Support for ConfirmPopup v2 #1787
- Update PrimeIcons v5 #1785
- Update Themes and add New Lara Theme #1784
Fixed bugs:
- Carousel swipe function is broken on iOS devices v2 #1822
- Disabled not working for SelectButton v2 #1819
- Calendar in timeonly mode ignores minDate, maxDate - v2 #1818
- Fix TypeScript definitions for selects - v2 #1816
- optionDisabled wrongly typed #1815
- DataTable lazy loading paginator defect - v2 #1814
- ProgressBar: color text accessibility issue - v2 #1810
- Cell editing without editor templating defect for DataTable v2 #1804
- DataTable v2 events wrong TypeScript definitions #1788
- Panel missing icon template in d.ts #1786
- MenuModel 'to' is not working as routerlink - refreshing the whole app #1749
Breaking Changes:
- Rename slots for toolbar - v2 #1809
- Rename slot names for paginatorLeft and paginatorRight - v2 #1808
- Lowercase slot names for PickList sourceHeader-targetHeader v2 #1807
- Deprecated props in Calendar v2 #1798
2.6.0 (2021-09-29)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Add JumpToPageDropdown and JumpToPageInput template to Paginator v2 #1605
- Scrollable Tabs for v2 #1604
- Reimplemented InputNumber v2 #1600
- Modal layer enter-leave transition v2 #1599
- Add autoHighlight to AutoComplete v2 #1589
- function disabled for MenuModel v2 #1587
- Upgrade v2 to Gulp 4 #1585
- Add trueValue-falseValue to Checkbox v2 #1583
- Add trueValue-falseValue to InputSwitch v2 #1582
- Add router-link-active and router-link-active-exact to all menu components v2 #1575
- New Image Preview component v2 #1574
- Responsive Dock v2 #1568
- start and end slots for MegaMenu v2 #1566
- Add indicator slot #1565
- Add tooltipOptions property to Dock v2 #1564
- Add appendTo property to Dialog v2 #1561
- Add tooltipOptions property to SpeedDial v2 #1560
- new activeIndex props for TabMenu v2 #1553
- Change button/maskClassName properties with button/maskClass properties on SpeedDial v2 #1551
- Tailwind theme v2 #1549
- Dropdown v2 doesn't scroll when navigating with keyboard #1535
- Scrollable Tabs #364
Fixed bugs:
- Thumbnails are not displayed correctly on Galleria if numVisible is greater than the length of value for v2 #1594
- Checkbox v2 causes layout issues when used inside an overflow: auto div #1593
- Tooltip v2 word wrap #1592
- BlockUI v2 doesn't get rid of div #1591
- extra space between Dropdown/MultiSelect and filter list #1590
- Chart update throws an exception v2 #1588
- input mask - mask affecting dirty state v2 #1581
- Filtered Dropdown for Windows Tablet #1577
- Calendar WCAG Accessibility Issue with Keyboard Navigation for v2 #1576
- Dropdown onkeydown item search #1570
- Router support for v2 Dock #1567
- FileUpload Invalid File messages #1563
- CurrentPageReport displays wrong value v2 #1554
- The maskStyle property doesn't work as expected in SpeedDial v2 #1552
- DataTable does not assign colspan correctly when working with filters #1456
- DataTable: Pagination stops working when a column filter is applied #1388
- Input components inside DataTable break when upgrading from PrimeVue 1 to PrimeVue 2 #1330
2.5.1 (2021-08-10)
Fixed bugs:
2.5.0 (2021-08-10)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Dock component v2 #1434
- Chart.js version update #1432
- Speed Dial component v2 #1431
- FullCalendar-Vue theme update #1430
- Responsive TabMenu and Breadcrumb v2 #1424
- breakpoints prop for Responsive Toast #1423
- Center positioning Toast #1422
- Templating for Toast component #1421
- v-styleclass directive for v2 #1417
- style and class props for FileUpload component #1416
- value and disabled props for Tooltip component #1414
- styleClass and contentStyleClass props for Toast component #1413
- Row double click for DataTable #1347
- CascadeSelect material theming improvements #1324
Fixed bugs:
- ProgressBar does not show 0 percent #1420
- Toast does not clear hide timeout on beforeDestroy #1418
- Accordion tab-open and tab-close events #1329
2.4.2 (2021-06-07)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Chips remove button for templating #1307
- IDE support #1296
- MultiSelect selectionLimit showToggleAll #1288
- FileUpload long filename #1287
- hideIcon and showIcon for Password #1286
Fixed bugs:
- DataTable multi selection with meta key #1305
- Sidebar content overflows #1295
- FileUpload accepts any type of file #1291
- AutoComplete forceSelection with Multiple #1289
- Decimal value for Slider #1285
- Panel closes itself when typing on mobile #1284
- DataTable state restore broken for columnOrder and columnWidths #1283
- Multiselect doesn't set focus to the multiselect filter when dropdown is expanded #1243
- Error when navigating to a component including TabView with active index > 0 #1221
- Calendar.vue property panelClass is not used. #1213
- Multiple Form Components Break Inside TabView #1209
- Primevue 2.4 TabView and Accordeon throw errow on npm build #1019
2.4.1 (2021-04-22)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Circle shape is broken for Avatar #1116
- Animation "none" not working for Skeleton #1115
- Calendar: prop showOtherMonths = false does not hide neighbour months` dates #875
- FileUpload throws error on build #1017
- autocomplete input no response #1010
2.4.0 (2021-02-22)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Touch support for ColorPicker #1003
- Error when removing InputNumbers from DOM tree #1001
- FileUpload callback 'Select' little adjust. #1000
- Add activeIndex to Tabview #927
- Add activeIndex to Accordion #924
- Update material theming and add invalid field demo #920
- Upgrade PrimeIcons 4.1.0 #914
- state-save and state-restore events for Table #901
- File Upload cant disable and hide Upload & Cancel #897
- New Lazy DataTable Demo with Remote Source #862
Fixed bugs:
- Space key support for row radio #1002
- Calendar seconds are locked when min/max set #923
- Improve float label support in overlay selects #907
- Sidebar Mask not being removed from DOM on close #906
- "Clear" button in Calendar wrongly labeled #905
- Autocomplete crashes when "field" property is a function #903
- p-button-link not visible in Material Design themes #902
- Textarea autoresize does not respect its border #900
- Knob replaceAll causes issue with nuxt SSR #898
- MenuItem: class does not apply to separator item #895
- Slider incorrectly positions handle when using mixed-sign min/max #893
- Strange behavior using context menu on Safari #886
- Calendar fails with prop monthNavigator = true #876
- Calendar component doesn't respect dateFormat config value #870
- Multiselect: selected values are not shown without placeholder #868
- primevue/fieldset not found #860
2.3.0 (2021-01-06)
Breaking Changes:
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Touch support for Slider #757
- Nuxt Module #819
- Refactor Build #818
- Locale API #817
- ConfirmPopup Component #791
- ConfirmDialog Component #790
- Splitter Component #789
- ScrollTop Component #788
- Skeleton Component #787
- Divider Component #786
- Knob Component #785
- CascadeSelect Component #784
- Avatar Component #783
- Badge Component #782
- Tag Component #779
- Chip Component #778
Fixed bugs:
- Vertical Slider #780
2.2.3 (2020-12-14)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Chip component cosmetics #777
- Update to FullCalendar 5 #776
- Close event for Message component #761
- Touch support for Slider #758
Fixed bugs:
- Slider has incorrect aria-* variable values #774
- Invalid "sortField" property type in Vue and type definition files #764
- Keyboard support problem for AutoComplete #763
- Textarea does not auto resize its height when created #762
- Calendar navigation
next, prev month
inside DataTable or OverlayPanel not working #759 - Primevue 2 dismissableMask=true not working when clicking outside the modal #741
- FileUpload with fileLimit problem #677
2.2.2 (2020-11-30)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- New Timeline Component #712
- Chips mode for MultiSelect #711
- SelectButton should allow a mode to ensure an options is always selected #698
- OverlayPanel :before "indicator" needs dynamic placement #697
- Improve typescript definitions #696
- Add the 'enter' key support to InputNumber #676
Fixed bugs:
- SplitButton: after selecting the default command, the command menu does not close. #710
- Autocomplete: when the menu open upwards style broken #709
- Multiselect/Dropdown: when the menu open upwards style broken #708
- DataTable global filter bug #707
- InputNumber's onInputBlur fails when component gets destroyed #705
- Sidebar not visible on mount #704
- PrimeVue FileUpload FileLimit #703
- DataTable multiple click RadioButton focus previous row #702
- FileUpload Preview columns become misaligned when both image and non-image files are uploaded #701
- Error with empty objects #700
- ColorPicker overlay input does not reflect to hue section changes #699
- Multiselect dropdown closes after selecting one option #602
- PrimeVue 2 InputMask with unmask problem #577
2.2.1 (2020-11-23)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Do not hide overlays on body scroll #661
Fixed bugs:
- Overriding ProgressSpinner colors doc error #662
- Dropdown inside datable using showClear causing: Cannot read property 'classList' of null #664
- DataTable crashes with a "Cannot read property 'xxx' of null" for nested objects #665
2.2.0 (2020-10-14)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Add inputStyle and inputClass properties to InputNumber #573
- Accordion rounded border minor visual issue #572
- Add indentation property to TreeTable #571
- Lighter Highlight Color for PrimeOne Themes #568
- Fluent UI Theme #561
- Soho Theme #560
- Galleria and Carousel highlight item visual improvement on PrimeOne Themes #557
- Tooltip doesn't close in scrollable containers #526
Fixed bugs:
- pRipple working when disabled(etc menuitem) #574
- TriStateCheckbox doesn't show correct icon when value is false when using material themes #570
- TouchUI modal gets stuck if input tabs out #569
- Can't close MultiSelect or Select when inside Dialog component #567
- Problems when typing or pasting numbers into InputNumber #566
- inputNumber with numeric prefix is not working as expected #565
- InputNumber with spinner mode throws a JS exception #564
- InputNumber cannot set value when format property is false #563
- The 'disabled' option has no effect on InputNumber #562
- Tree toggler icon hover color is wrong in bootstrap theme #559
- Tree selection is broken when ripple is enabled #558
2.1.0 (2020-09-29)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Improvement in behavior of components that have overlay panels in scrollable containers #514
- Scrollable Table alignment improvement #513
- Improve calendar tabbing behavior #512
Fixed bugs:
- TouchUI modal gets stuck if input tabs out #518
- Button not registered in FileUpload #516
- BlockUI documentation indicates "show" event whereas the actual event is "unblock" #515
2.0.9 (2020-09-09)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- InputGroup support for input components with wrappers #471
- Update PrimeFlex documentation to 2.0.0 #464
- Scrollable Table alignment improvement #462
- emptyFilterMessage for Dropdown, MultiSelect and Listbox filter #459
- Negative sign with InputNumber #458
- InputNumber Currency not working as expected #330
Fixed bugs:
- Dialog with Long Content does not scroll in IE11 #473
- Click on Dropdown's filter text box closes items list #465
- Calendar misplaced layout if more than one month is shown #461
- inputNumber cannot set value bigger than 99.999 for an ES locale #460
- Items in PanelMenu are highlighted wrongly with Material dark themes #456
- InputNumber with dynamic fraction digits doesn't work as expected #455
2.0.8 (2020-08-27)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Add Del key support to InputNumber #452
- Documentation for primeflex setup #434
- InputNumber with decimals should support entering comma/decimal point #432
- dismissableMask and closeOnEscape for Dialog #372
Fixed bugs:
- Can't type - as first symbol into an Inputnumber #453
- When autocomplete is bound to an object, float label overlaps in some circumstances #450
- TreeTable template always render field value #445
- Setting placeholder text for Editor / Quill component doesn't work #433
- InputNumber with stacked Buttons is broken #431
- Doc error on InputNumber #430
- InputNumber throws error if emptied #429
- Pill Text not centered #428
2.0.7 (2020-08-05)
Fixed bugs:
- Global filter is not working with invalid values on TreeTable #427
- Global filter throws error in TreeTable#425
- Duplicate keys in TreeTable #424
2.0.6 (2020-08-04)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Improve connected overlay positioning #418
- TabMenu should include subpaths in active tab detection #417
- Rename toast message title class #420
Fixed bugs:
- TabMenu error when no route matches one of the menu paths #416
- DataTable row reorder demo not working #419
- DataTable: Exporting an empty DataTable throws TypeError #413
- Duplicate keys in TreeTable #424
- Fixed typo in ProgressBarDoc.vue #414
- Paginator is displayed over table loading overlay #422
- p-error, p-invalid styling missing on some form elements #421
2.0.5 (2020-07-24)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- SideBar p-sidebar-mask div is not removed automatically #329
- Block UI mask remove automatically #409
Fixed bugs:
- Calendar mask animation #408
2.0.4 (2020-07-23)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- MultiSelect close icon spacing issue #405
- Refactor OrderList and PickList header style classes #403
- Improve Dialog padding #404
- Refactor selectbutton focus visuals #406
Fixed bugs:
- Alignment issue on left and right contents of Toolbar #400
- Remove default text-decoration style from the header links on Fieldset #399
2.0.3 (2020-07-18)
Breaking changes:
- Improve Toast CSS structure and Add new positions #391
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Add p-button-plain add-on for text button #398
- Sort the icons alphabetically in the documentation #385
- Button slot #388
- Rename p-datatable-row to p-selectable-row #397
- Cleanup FullCalendar CSS #392
Fixed bugs:
- Alignment issue on tree #395
- Add type="button" to buttons to avoid form submission #394
- Wrong class name at FileUpload #390
2.0.2 (2020-07-12)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
2.0.1 (2020-07-10)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Ability to programmatically show or hide Dropdown/MultiSelect #368
- Ability to add scaling inputs by group #373
- Support for left and right icons for Input #379
Fixed bugs:
- Datatable with RowGroup and Scroll scrollbar misplaced #380
- InlineMessage typescript declaration is not available at package root #366
- Editor readonly not working due to typo #369
- Message error with Ripple #378
- Separator problem with Menu #377
2.0.0 (2020-07-06)
2.0.0-rc.3 (2020-07-04)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- FileLimit for FileUpload #361
- Custom Upload for FileUpload #360
- Filter event for Listbox, Dropdown and MultiSelect #359
- DataView should reset paginator on sort #356
Fixed bugs:
- Usage of header slot produces JavaScript error when beeing combined with ColumnGroups #349
- Messages are not visible in simple uploader #343
- Accordion breaks input components inside #342
- Picklist 'move-all-to-source' event argument e.items is empty #341
- datatable filter not work in some firefox #325
- DataTable :
editing + selection column - focus issues #315 - Datatable scrollable mode doesn't load Loading Template #296
2.0.0-rc.2 (2020-07-02)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Item content in Carousel does not expand according to the wrapper element #348
- InputNumber prevents min key number #337
2.0.0-rc.1 (2020-05-28)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Disable virtual keyboard in calendar #334
- Rename dialog titlebar class to dialog header #333
- Flex Scroll height for DataTable #328
- New Component: ScrollPanel #322
- Refactor p-panel-titlebar to p-panel-header #321
- Terminal should scroll to bottom after command #319
- Rename Nova Themes #318
- Datatable coltoggle changes columns order. #311
Fixed bugs:
- Table loader is not visible in scrollable table #332
- Alignment issue on Galleria with left and right thumbnail position #327
- InputNumber Up Down buttons send form on submit #313
- Slider handle moves on click #298
2.0.0-beta.1 (2020-05-15)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Modernize CSS #263
- Responsive Menubar #316
- Top and Bottom icon positioning for button #309
- Badges and Tags #308
- Saga and Vela Themes #307
- Add link button #306
- Icons inside InputText #305
- Add inputId to Dropdown and MultiSelect #303
- ToggleButton refactor #297
- Decouple MegaMenu from PrimeFlex #295
Breaking Changes:
- Remove Spinner #287
- Rename ValidationMessage to InlineMessage #301
- Refactor Messages css naming #302
1.3.2 (2020-04-24)
Fixed bugs:
- Context Menu throw error after update to 1.3.1 #291
- InputMask somehow clears the initial value to empty string #290
1.3.1 (2020-04-23)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
1.3.0 (2020-04-20)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Add empty template to FileUpload #265
- DragDrop support for FileUpload #262
- Improve DataTable ContextMenu Styling #253
- Separator, addOnBlur and allowDuplicate for Chips #252
- Add id property to Steps #251
- ReImplemented Steps styles #250
- Improve autocomplete css by using flex #249
- Add menubar-left and menubar-right slots to Menubar #246
- New Component: Galleria #212
- Ability to disable PanelMenu items #171
- TreeTable should pass more information on page-sort-filter events #282
- filterLocale for components with filtering #279
- Update sort icons #278
- Placeholder for Chips #277
- New Component: InputNumber #275
- Value slot for Dropdown #271
- Removable sort on DataTable - TreeTable #235
- Order indicators for Multi column sorting #189
Fixed bugs:
- Calendar.vue: Poor handling of user input #70
- Carousel - Button inside carousel-item is not clickable in mobile phones #264
- Popup menu does not appear where it should #258
- FileUpload Multiple: Error when deleting file before upload #257
- FileUpload in auto mode sends two post requests in IE11 #254
- TreeTable global filtering fails #283
- Loop on treetable sort #281
- Datatable Group footer doesn't work #276
- Textarea with autoResize true not displayed correctly when initially hidden #274
- Calendar is not empty when the v-model is null #270
1.2.0 (2020-04-17)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Improve autocomplete css by using flex #249
- Improve DataTable ContextMenu Styling #253
- DragDrop support for FileUpload #262
- Add empty template to FileUpload #265
- Separator, addOnBlur and allowDuplicate for Chips #252
- Add menubar-left and menubar-right slots to Menubar #246
- Ability to disable PanelMenu items #171
- Add id property to Steps #251
- ReImplemented Steps styles #250
- ReImplemented Steps styles #250
Fixed bugs:
- Carousel - Button inside carousel-item is not clickable in mobile phones #264
- FileUpload Multiple: Error when deleting file before upload #257
- Popup menu does not appear where it should #258
- FileUpload in auto mode sends two post requests in IE11 #254
- Deprecate menubar custom slot #260
1.1.0 (2020-03-17)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Move column filters to their own row #226
- Loading template for DataTable #244
- Move TreeTable filters to their own header row #241
- Add filterHeaderStyle and filterHeaderClass to Column #240
- Unify placeholder colors #239
- Opacity Animation for Modals #237
- Remove Responsive DataTable #232
- Display issues with Chips #231
- More options for currentPageReportTemplate #230
- New Component: Terminal #229
- New Component: BlockUI #211
- Ability to disable TabMenu items #172
- Ability to disable MegaMenu items #170
Fixed bugs:
- Disabled menuitems with routerLink integration are still functional #243
- Disabled menuitems opacity is doubled in MenuBar, TieredMenu and ContextMenu #242
- MultiSelect label size grows on items select #238
- DataTable scrollHeight doesn't calculate correctly with frozen columns and percentages #234
- Select components may throw non-primitive key error #233
1.0.6 (2020-03-04)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Add appendTo to components with Overlays #224
- Add filterField to column #223
- Accents support in Table filtering #220
- Date support in table filtering #219
- New filtering modes for Table #217
Fixed bugs:
- CurrentPageReport is initially wrong #222
- Primitive values support in Select components #221
- sortField of column is ignored #216
- DataTable Column Group Sort Bug #214
1.0.5 (2020-02-27)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Tooltip Component missing typescript declaration file #202
Fixed bugs:
- Tooltip reactive text #206
- Editor infinite loop with some specific values #204
- DataTable > Missing
filterMatchMode #200 - Top* and Bottom* animation are not working correctly on Dialog with 'position' property #190
1.0.4 (2020-02-08)
Fixed bugs:
- Dialog positions regressions #191
1.0.3 (2020-02-07)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Add position property to Dialog #184
- Add maximizable property to Dialog #183
- DataTable "$event" argument on page/sort events does not contains filterSearchMode. #181
- Dialog header not visible #179
- Ability to disable TieredMenu items #173
- Ability to disable ContextMenu items #169
- Ability to disable Menubar items #168
Fixed bugs:
- Chart.vue : Error in v-on handler: "TypeError: this.emit is not a function" #188
- OverlayPanel dismissable does not work #187
- Could not find module './components/row/Row' #185
- Style classes are not rendered correctly on Dialog #182
1.0.2 (2020-01-30)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Align focus visuals with the theme #177
- Refactor SplitButton to use Menu #174
- DataTable onPage event fires without sort and filter information #163
- Ability to disable SplitButton or Menu items #161
- Enter key should select a PickList item #156
- Dialog in mobile view #153
- Dropdown and MultiSelect on expand event #150
Fixed bugs:
- Editable Dropdown loses focus #149
- Rename select event with *-select #148
- Dialog block UI removes page scroll #145
- Calendar select event has no value #144
- Calendar manual input fails #143
- Calendar giving focus to today when disabled #141
- optionValue and dataKey combination is broken is Select Components #90
- DataTable column headers always receive focus #176
- Disabled button should remove pointer cursor #175
- Dialog visuals broken when initially displayed #167
- Dialog animation leave does not work #166
- rowsPerPageOptions dropdown is not coming in Paginator #159
- Calendar today button TypeError: Cannot read property 'currentTarget' of null #158
- Row edit save not working properly in data table #151
1.0.0 (2020-01-13)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Error: Do not access Object.prototype method #138
- The slot #empty of DataTable not working #137
- Sidebar showCloseIcon not working #135
- Error with calendar year navigator #134
1.0.0-rc.6 (2019-12-30)
Fixed bugs:
- Keydown causes sort on sortable header #130
1.0.0-rc.5 (2019-12-30)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- TimePicker buttons should trap focus #128
Fixed bugs:
- RadioButton throws error #129
1.0.0-rc.4 (2019-12-30)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Inplace focus visuals not themed #123
- New Component: Tooltip #122
- Keyboard accessibility for Calendar #109
- Enhance ARIA roles and attributes for the components #108
Fixed bugs:
1.0.0-rc.3 (2019-12-23)
Fixed bugs:
- DataView Grid should have nogutter #121
- Menu should prevent default action when there is none #120
- Range slider goes out of bounds #119
1.0.0-rc.2 (2019-12-20)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Add p-placeholder class to Multiselect label #111
Fixed bugs:
- ContextMenu fails in global mode #118
- ProgressBar showValue prop is ignored #117
- Calendar icon button submitting form #114
- Message icon correction #112
- Disabled Dropdown still picking values #110
- Calendar clear button does not reset the input field #107
1.0.0-rc.1 (2019-12-10)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- New Component: Steps #103
- New Component: PanelMenu #102
- New Component: ContextMenu #101
- New Component: MegaMenu #100
- New Component: TabMenu #99
- New Component: Menubar #98
- New Component: TieredMenu #97
- New Component: Breadcrumb #96
- Add default focus on searchable dropdowns #95
- Nuxt integration #86
Fixed bugs:
- Paginator should go to last page if current page has no data #106
- TreeNode is not toggled with left and right arrow keys #105
- Dialog is not modal when v-if used #94
- DataTable rowClick returns a dom event with no data property #91
1.0.0-beta.14 (2019-11-20)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
1.0.0-beta.13 (2019-11-01)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Ability to style certain rows and cells in Table #81
- Menu Component a11y issue #78
- Modal dialog not blocking background #77
Fixed bugs:
- Modal dialog is not destroyed properly #80
1.0.0-beta.12 (2019-10-22)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- New Carousel Component #73
- Expandable Rows for DataTable #72
- TableState for DataTable #68
- Row Grouping for DataTable #65
Fixed bugs:
- Time buttons select a date on mouseout event on Calendar with showTime property #75
- Clicking column header resets paginator #74
- Calendar.vue: "close on blur" not working properly #71
1.0.0-beta.11 (2019-10-18)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Row Reordering with DragDrop #69
- Improve component styles on Luna and Nova Themes #66
- Column Reordering with DragDrop #64
- ColumnGroups for DataTable #63
Fixed bugs:
1.0.0-beta.10 (2019-10-15)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- New Component: Carousel #61
Fixed bugs:
1.0.0-beta.9 (2019-10-01)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Remove empty spaces with Lint #58
- Reimplement Accordion with Templating #56
- Reimplement TabView with Templating #51
Fixed bugs:
- MultiSelect filter cannot be turned off #57
- DataTable sortField cannot be synced #55
- Duplicate key issue in menu component #52
- Calendar.vue: when the value is updated, the component partially updates itself #47
- MultiSelect.vue: error on onToggleAll and bad default placeholder #45
- Calendar clear button does not reset the input field #42
- Time does not stop spinning in Calendar #40
1.0.0-beta.8 (2019-08-21)
Fixed bugs:
- Cannot delete date from calendar once it's selected #38
- Dropdown click icon gives error on Firefox #37
- TreeTable single sort broken #35
- TreeTable highlights unsorted columns #34
- InputMask pressing enter #33
- Column component registration fails with Typescript #29
1.0.0-beta.7 (2019-08-15)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
1.0.0-beta.6 (2019-08-05)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- New Component: Tree #28
1.0.0-beta.5 (2019-07-29)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- New Component: DataTable #23
- Convert emptyMessage to a template for DataView #10
- Auto z-index layering for Toast #9
- Reset DataTable page after sort #27
- New Component: ProgressSpinner #24
- New Component: DeferredContent #20
- New Component: Inplace #19
- New Component: PickList #18
- New Component: OrderList #17
- New Component: OrganizationChart #16
Fixed bugs:
- Calendar today button throws an error #22
- DataView paginator is always displayed #21
- Dropdown ignores false or 0 values #11
1.0.0-beta.3 (2019-05-30)
1.0.0-beta.2 (2019-05-28)
1.0.0-beta.1 (2019-05-27)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator