64 KiB
4.3.2 (2025-03-12)
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Panel: new
slot #7373
Fixed bugs:
- Knob does not handle touch on mobile #7387
- Tablist prev/next button type #7383
- Stepper separator not stylable? #7381
- Toast: Message detail should be optional #7379
- InputMask: When use unmask and (empty string) will display the wrong value #7378
- When unstyled=true is set from the nuxt-module, all styles are loaded. #7374
- Popover takes 2 clicks to dismiss after giving focus - Nuxt #7369
- Select: unexpected horizontal scroll #7364
- Rating: add focus-visible after clicked and then shift-tab #7361
- Select: Style error when resize window. #7360
- SelectButton: multiple and allowEmpty not compaitble #7358
- TreeTable: Some Elements Are Missing Classes #7346
- AutoComplete: Cannot read properties of null (reading '$el') when forceSelection is active #7342
- DataTable: Table layout shifts when
and row expansion is enabled #7335 - Toast not respecting countdown onMouseLeave, regression? #7328
- Button in input groups are not rendered properly #7325
- Button: TypeScript definiton defect for
#7324 - Tooltip misaligned after updating to PrimeVue 4.3.0 and 4.3.1 #7323
- Gallery: Item navigators are permanently disabled #7321
- Select: "name" attribute is not passed #7306
- BlockUI breaks when its mask is styled with an infinite animation #7302
- MultiSelect - autoFilterFocus and autoOptionFocus not working together #7300
- Primevue Datatable Column's template #rowtogglericon #7297
- AutoComplete: Space key prevents typing spaces in input field #7294
- Resolved value is incorrect for groups of multiple checkboxes in PrimeVue Forms #7169
- AutoComplete: Enter does not submit form (PrimeVue 4) #6788
- Color Picker #4720
4.3.1 (2025-02-25)
Fixed bugs:
- DatePicker: selection start and end bug #7318
- InputNumber: locale warnings #7317
- ConfirmPopup: alignment bug on first click #7316
4.3.0 (2025-02-24)
Fixed bugs:
- Editor losing focus when inside Tabs component #7211
4.3.0-rc.1 (2025-02-20)
Breaking Changes:
- DataTable: Change
as false and useFilterFillIcon
for row filtering #7092
- Deprecate
method in core utils #7089 - Remove
key from theme presets #7076
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Eslint 9 version update changes #7173
- Port all styles to
#7153 - Port all themes to
#7152 - TreeTable: node added to column context options #7150
- Select and DatePicker is missing resize event #7104
- Improve BaseDirective structure #7096
- Editor: Improve quill 2 support #7093
- New FilterFillIcon added #7091
- Improve generated id structure on components/directives #7090
- Upgrade
dependency to >=3.5.0 #7088 - Add
composables to core #7087 - Refactor ToggleButton Implementation and Design Tokens #7086
- ProgressSpinner Token Names Invalid #7085
- Add
method to Form instance #7075 - AutoComplete: context option updates #7073
- Toast: onClick, onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave callback props added #7053
- Add
event andsubmit
callback to Form #7049 - Form: Request to expose functionality to code such as
, etc #7046 - Doc: no values param in onFormSubmit callback if not return in resolver #7031
- Size support for Icon Only Buttons #7017
- Form: TypeScript doesn't know about the
#6980 - Forms/FormField: The form does not seem to support nested data. #6939
- Form: v-slot="$form" doesn't handle nested array of objects #6924
- Form: yupResolver could not resolve nested object correctly #6883
- Improve colum filter UI and UX #6834
- Select:
attribute missing in non-editable mode #6813 - Form: API Loaded data not passing to $form.[field].value #6801
- Drawer: no before-hide emit #6770
- DataTable: Can't copy text with control + c when Table has selectable rows #6740
- DataTable: size variant still using hardcode size #6738
- Primevue 4 Design Tokens: Bug when transpile Build #6217
- Checkbox, Radio Button, Multiselect: CSS Style of ".p-hidden-accessible select/input" Non-compliant with NVDA/Firefox AccessibilityComponent Name: Issue Title #4214
- AutoComplete: Shift key not working for selecting #2930
Fixed bugs:
- Select - autoFilterFocus and autoOptionFocus not working together #7283
- Clear icon shows in MultiSelect when value is empty array #7265
- Fix InputNumber clearTimer: clearInterval -> clearTimeout #7261
- Slider yields float values when not dragging handles beforehand #7257
- DataTable's
prop should accept a partial #7248 - CascadeSelect breaks when modelValue doesn't exist in the options #7246
- Slider tracker missing left border radius #7242
- Autocomplete : Chip slot is missing index and removeCallback in .d.ts #7235
- Overlay Components : hide on click outside does not work if clicked element have a stopPropagation #7234
- Disabled InputNumber buttons are still hoverable #7229
- Range selection is broken on non-first-pages for lazily-paginated multi-selection datatables #7227
- Tabs do not fit the title size #7224
- DataTable: Colspan not working correctly when selectionMode='single' in Column #7222
- Dock: Blocked aria-hidden on an element error #7221
- Multiselect unnecessarily scrolling to bottom of options on open #7219
- Form components: wrong default value of variant prop in .d.ts files #7209
- VirtualScroller: long waiting time when replacing an array with a smaller size #7208
- miss the pass-though prop named
in theConfirmDialog
component #7204 - miss the pass-though prop named
in theSelect
component #7202 - Add generics to type data and newData in DataTableRowEditSaveEvent, DataTableRowEditCancelEvent and DataTableRowEditInitEvent interfaces. DataTable component #7194
- Wrong types of the
slot in thefileupload
component #7189 - Select autoFilterFocus error #7185
- FileUpload shouldn't post to
if none is provided #7180 - DataTable: missing types on paginatorcontainer slot props #7174
- feat(InputNumber): French keyboard decimal support #7157
- FormField: Missing attribute "name" in FormFieldProps #7145
- keepInViewPort for Dialog does nothing? #7141
- FloatLabel: correct font.weight style key weight for active label #7139
- Missing exposed methods in types #7130
- Accordion - Swapped direction of chevron #7128
- [TS] Select missing exposed methods in types #7126
- [TS] MultiSelect missing exposed methods in types #7124
- Dialog close button when label is empty #7123
- MultiSelect's chip slot is missing the removeCallback prop in type definition #7121
- Uncaught ResizeObserver loop completed with undelivered notifications. #7117
- InputMask: Problem with input prompt cursor on Windows #7110
- InputMask clears the initial value when the unmask attribute is active and disabled is set to active #7107
- Virtual Scroller: Event first and last behave differently #7095
- docs(menu): add show/hide events to types and docs #7080
- feat(button): add a11yAttrs to slot types #7078
- Tooltip: overflows window boundaries #7071
- DatePicker: inline used together with range and time options #7067
- Calendar | Date Picker | Cannot read properties of undefined ( reading 'focus') #7062
- TreeTable: Custom node toggle icon does not apply #7058
- Select filter in forms (FormField): The filter input is also invalid when select is invalid. #7052
- Using FloatLabel within InputGroup and Using Password within IconField occur CSS Style error. #7047
- InputNumber weird behavior when using min value & allow-empty=false together #7045
- correct field type for column body slot #7038
- Listbox and Select: checkmark different size #7029
- Select: Editable Dropdown search not working as expected #7026
- Galleria thumbnails don't work on mobile #7021
- InputMask: pt styles #7020
- Timeline: missing count in interface TimelineContext #7013
- DatePicker: dd/mm/yy date format through ref is displaying NaN on datepicker #7010
- SpeedDial: invalid visible property on SpeedDialState #7008
- @primevue/forms:
components submit event parameter missingvalues
#7006 - Datepicker: In unstyled mode the minute decrement button keeps its css classes #7004
- SplitterPanel: Exceeds minSize on Subsequent Drags #7001
- CascadeSelect: When the first item has no sub items, hovering over it will automatically select it. #7000
- InputOtp: Emit Options parameter type #6995
- DataTable: Frozen Column with Basic Filtering #6994
- Galleria not showing thumbnails after updating images list #6992
- MultiSelect: itemcheckboxicon slot does't provide "selected" value #6990
- SplitButton: invalid SplitButtonState missing isExpanded #6988
- VirtualScroller: scrollInView method does not scroll to right item, when item is dynamically added #6986
- InputNumber: There may be issues when combining InputNumber with Forms. #6985
- DataTable: Frozen Columns, headers are overlapping wrongly #6982
- DatePicker: Not possible to enter 1979/02/28 when dateFormat is set to 'yy/mm/dd' #6981
- ToggleButton: aria-label removed from ToggleButton #6976
- Textarea: type definition error #6972
- FloatLabel: Float Label Doesn't Reset When Password Component is Cleared Programmatically #6969
- Splitter: Does not accept
as a valid value #6967 - add missing icons #6965
- Tree: missing last typed letter on filter event #6962
- DynamicDialog: Instance gets destroyed before hide animation completes #6956
- Editor: toolbar buttons break when updating
value #6954 - TreeSelect: Performance issue in selectionMode="checkbox" #6950
- Dialog:
is not working whenclosable
is false #6922 - Form: errorMessage could not reactive display correctly #6905
- Scoped styles are added but not applied #6895
- DynamicForm: MultiSelect label not shown #6783
- DynamicForm: DatePicker (range) not working #6780
- Form: reset not working, changed value not update input #6755
- InputText: Name attribute not applied when used outside of Form component #6737
- Cannot read
form field states with TypeScript #6723 - Forms: InputNumber Field Not Showing Red Border on Error State #6721
- All components: Memory leak #6715
- DataTable: Edited cell values are not updated after value sorting #6572
- Base Presets: CSS var
is not defined #6094 - ConfirmDialog: shifting content under a modal window #6089
- Iconfield : The iconfield component does not work when used in conjunction with the Password component #5804
- DataTable: Maximum recursive updates exceeded in component #5261
4.2.5 (2024-12-12)
Fixed bugs:
- TreeTable: Row selected on click at node toggle icon #6932
- DatePicker: Date unformatted with initial date #6930
- MultiSelect: Fluid doesn't applying 100% width #6916
- Tabs: Scrollable tabs being skipped #6915
- ImageCompare: ARIA Attributes #6912
- DataTable: RowExpansion & RowSelection #6904
- FileUpload: fileLimit dosent prevent new items beeing pushed into Files[], when exceeded #6900
- Galleria: 'Indicator' Slot, Keyboard Accessibility Broken #6899
- Select: fluid doesnt apply properly #6896
- ScrollTop: icon pt implementation defect #6892
- Slider: While dragging the handle sometimes it breaks #6884
- SplitButton: Toast usages in examples for composition API are not correct #6879
- InputMask components fires @update:modelValue although value not changed #6868
- Carousel: Item disappear when there is only one item with autoplay and circular activated #6812
- DatePicker: manual input not working #6739
- SelectButton: allowEmpty does not stop unselecting #6718
- Form: type of v-slot="$form" is incorrect #6717
4.2.4 (2024-11-27)
Fixed bugs:
- Textarea filled variant fails in Material Theme #6878
- InputText: Missing attributes such as placeholder. #6867
- Chip component's removable Icon uses aria-hidden #6864
- ToggleSwitch: Material theme switch uncentered handle #6859
- TreeTable: Checkbox selectable does not work #6849
- Knob: Incorrect TypeScript Definition for valueTemplate (not supporting plain strings) #6843
- InputNumber: selection state is not changed when pressing arrow right and arrow left #6837
- Virtual scroller: step prop in delay mode breaks the component #6776
4.2.3 (2024-11-22)
Fixed bugs:
- Drawer: RTL position bug #6827
- Tabs: Mismatch between prop "value" and emit update:value #6825
- DatePicker: Wrong hour displayed for midnight when set to timeOnly and 24h #6824
- Material: filled mode InputNumber defects #6823
- Material: filled mode InputGroup defects #6820
- Tree: Wrong passThrough option in documentation #6818
- PanelMenu: wrong value of the hasSubmenu slot prop #6815
- ToggleButton: when label is empty #6809
- DataTable: Hover CSS rule not applied #6796
- ColorPicker: Showing Text Cursor on Focus #6795
- Select: Cannot read properties of null (reading '$el') - filter and auto-filter-focus error #6793
- Step: Cannot disable custom step element #6763
- InputText: Interface 'InputTextProps' incorrectly extends interface 'InputHTMLAttributes'. Password: Interface 'PasswordProps' incorrectly extends interface 'InputHTMLAttributes'. #5480
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Improve RTL implementation #6826
- Better compatability with CSS libraries like Tailwind, Bootstrap #6822
4.2.2 (2024-11-14)
Fixed bugs:
- Menubar: submenu icon rtl defects #6784
- Drawer: dismissable mode behaviour defects #6779
- Component Name: InputNumber does not work on Android devices #6766
- Improve filter rule visuals #6761
- paginator rtl #6759
- Button: Variant "link" is not assignable #6756
- Timeline: rtl defect #6754
- Frozen Columns Header: value on Columns Header won't hidden #6745
- InputGroup: IconField is not supported in InputGroup #6743
- PanelMenu: rtl submenu icon rotate defect #6753
- Button: "loadingicon" slot has no class and data attribute #6747
- ToggleSwitch: does not switch visually when selecting Material theme #6735
- Checkbox: "update:indeterminate" is not added as available emit type. #6713
- Provide showEmptyMessage for AutoComplete #6773
- MegaMenu: type error in props model #6706
- MultiSelect: Unit test exception #6704
- DatePicker does not play well with ConfirmPopup. #6696
- Menu components: Blocked aria-hidden on an element error #6692
- DatePicker 12am to 12pm issue #6686
- Slider range operation bug #6649
- ListBox: @filter event must return filter options #6641
- Metergroup: Required icon #6639
- Drawer: missing 'after-hide' emit #6621
- InputText: Many props have a default of undefined but the docs say the default is null #6593
- ButtonGroup: Invalid alignement of icon and non-icon buttons #6556
- Select: throws an error with auto-filter-focus #6539
- DynamicDialog: Underlying dialog not destroyed #6535
- ConfirmPopup: Not positioned correctly when not used inside #6525
- InputOtp: iOS Autocomplete Jumbled #6317
- Listbox: OptionGroup disappear with filter #6233
- Slider: "Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener invocation" in primevue_slider.js (touchmove) #5745
- Editor: v-model not updating with Quill v2.0 #5606
- TreeSelect: appendTo="self" and selectionMode="checkbox" causes panel to close on click on node arrows #4927
- Textarea: AutoResize not working if the value is changed while textarea is not visible #4510
4.2.1 (2024-11-01)
Fixed bugs:
- Forms: Incorrect main/module/exports error when importing #6709
- Forms: Could not resolve "valibot" #6708
4.2.0 (2024-11-01)
- Deprecate plain button in favor of Contrast #6657
Fixed bugs:
- Remove unused Galleria mask design tokens #6670
- MegaMenu typo in Style #6669
- Remove TieredMenu Unused Design Tokens #6668
- AutoComplete Chip Focus Design token name is wrong #6667
- MegaMenu and Menubar token names wrong #6666
- Paginator: Responsive paginator shows all variations at same time instead of at each breakpoint #6595
- DatePicker: toggleCallback missing on dropdownbutton slot #6543
- @primevue/core: Inconsistency of vue version in peerdependencies #6492
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Stepper: design-token updates #6707
- Update the bundle of primevue package #6702
- Update the bundle of @primevue/icons package #6701
- Improve support for Buttons in InputGroupAddon #6695
- New Component: FormField #6693
- RTL support for Misc components #6691
- RTL support for Media components #6690
- RTL support for Message components #6689
- Breadcrumb: separatorIcon pt added #6688
- New paginatorcontainer slots for Data components #6683
- RTL support for Menu components #6682
- RTL support for Dialog components #6681
- RTL support for Button components #6680
- Paginator: Headless mode #6679
- RTL support for Data components #6677
- Update surface tones of input borders in dark mode for Aura and Lara #6673
- New Design Token for invalid placeholder color #6672
- maxSelectedLabels for TreeSelect #6671
- Listbox - Remove Unused Tokens #6665
- FileUpload New Design Tokens #6664
- FileUpload message overlaps with ProgressBar #6663
- Remove unused tokens from DatePicker #6662
- Drawer - Design Tokens #6661
- Avatar - New Design Tokens #6659
- Add variant prop to Button #6658
- Design tokens for InputOtp #6656
- Design tokens of clear icon for Selects #6655
- New Clear Icon prop and slot #6654
- Size and Variants for Message component #6653
- Size prop support for more components #6651
- RTL support for Panel components #6647
- RTL support for Form components #6636
- RTL support for showcase #6635
- Check form components affected by p-invalid class#6631
- New Component: CheckboxGroup #6613
- New Component: RadioButtonGroup #6612
- Add form support to components #6603
- Add an uncontrolled structure to components #6602
- New Component: Form #6601
- ContextMenu: Y axis collision detection not working for submenus #6348
4.1.1 (2024-10-16)
Fixed bugs:
- Wrong token binding on inputtext #6590
- Table sort icon not aligned properly #6588
- Improve nested overlays in mobile #6587
- MegaMenu ignores token #6585
- AutoComplete is using token from the deprecated InputChips #6584
- Disabled ToggleSwitch in dark mode is same as non-disabled #6583
- Slider track border radius token not applied #6582
- Tree filter too close, visual bug#6581
- Invalid CSS in DataTable and TreeTable #6580
- MegaMenu: mobile visual defects #6578
- Typo in splitter.js (autocomplete err) #6570
- CascadeSelect: focus defect on mouse enter #6538
- Typescript support is non-existent in All components #6152
- DataTable - button click in a cell propagates to row-click #6472
- No intellisense for props, slots etc. with v4 #5903
4.1.0 (2024-10-07)
Fixed bugs:
- InputMask: type bug #6505
- DataTable: row focus defects #6488
- MultiSelect: maxSelectedLabels is not working with display chip #6485
- DatePicker: focus on wrong element when adding "Select" component to footer slot of DatePicker #6482
- PanelMenu: Incorrect name in PanelMenuPassThroughOptions documentation #6475
- Dialog: @media styles do not append right component #6474
- ContextMenu uses unreliable way to determine scrollTop #6469
- Drawer: emit event(update:modelValue) should be update:visible in docs #6464
- CascadeSelect: aria-hidden w3c defect #6458
- DataTable: missing unstyled prop in component: HeaderCheckbox.vue #6444
- Select: v-tooltip does not work #6443
- Galleria: Global ripple effect breaks Galleria #6438
- Select: Selecting 0 option shows empty in select #6437
- DataTable: column resize does not work anymore #6436
- PT implementation defects #6435
- Select component does not handle focus via label with labelId #6432
- Select: autoFilterFocus stuck when switching between Selects #6420
- Password: autofocus does not work #6413
- ScrollTop: pt implementation defect #6412
- Scoped style (dt props) does not attach to page with correct selector #6408
- InputOtp: clicking on a selected filled box prevents you removing #6373
- Datepicker: No manual input in view = 'year' #6347
- Icons Missing #6335
- MultiSelect: Translation does not take effect #6303
- VirtualScroller: Unstyled mode broke core functionality #6294
- InputMask: input is getting mixed up #6276
- Menu componets: Design Token does not work#6129
- DataTable: reorder with drag and drop not working as expected #6014
- Nuxt autoimport component prefix: add typescript dynamic name support #6007
- DataTable: Pass Through keys for emptyMessage not working #6006
- TreeSelect: expandedKeys not working #5967
- Splitter/SplitterPanel: size not updated #5463
- Dropdown & MultiSelect: Disabled selected value #4431
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- TreeSelect: new option slot #6534
- CascadeSelect: move move/enter behavior changes #6533
- Add extend keyword to extend css variables to presets #6524
- ContextMenu / TieredMenu / CascadeSelect: responsiveness updates #6522
- New Component: ImageCompare #6518
- Tree: new header and footer slots #6513
- ToggleButton: handle element added #6511
- New Material Design Based Theme #6508
- New Design Tokens #6507
- CascadeSelect: new header and footer slots #6504
- New KeyFilter directive #6503
- TreeTable: ContextMenu implementation #6489
- TreeSelect: Filter and lazy modes #6481
- SpeedDial: itemicon slot #6463
- ConfirmDialog: improve options #6456
- Add css keyword to themes section to inject custom styles #6452
- Move primitive and semantic options of themes to separate modules #6425
- New IftaLabel component #6419
- New Float Label Variants #6418
- Tree: Allow filterBy to be a getter #6374
- Tree: no slot's data for nodetoggleicon template when node is loading #6371
- Nuxt plugin types break if I add @primevue/nuxt-module to modules #6289
- DataTable: Column Group Filters #6151
- DataTable: add prop showHeaders #5949
4.0.7 (2024-09-11)
Fixed bugs:
- SelectButton pt name correction #6382
- ToggleButton: aria-label and aria-labelledby not observed #6377
- FileUpload: Fix type of FileUploadState.messages #6370
- TreeTable: click and arrow key defect #6368
- Dialog: no dragstart event to accompany dragend #6357
- Dialog: dragging state is not reset when closed while dragging #6356
- InputOtp: IntegerOnly mode accepts "space" #6353
- InputOtp: Pasting adds an extra character #6351
- DatePicker: Pick month does not work #6342
- DataTable: Cannot set properties of null (setting 'tabIndex') #6323
- DatePicker showOtherMonths wrong behaviour #6307
- Click outside only when not modal #6284
- Select: Chinese IME input will be stopped in filter input element #6279
4.0.6 (2024-09-10)
Fixed bugs:
- animate-slidedown fails when a Tailwind prefix is used #6365
- Tree: wrong pt and classname for InputText #6301
- pt pcFilterIconContainer defects on form components #6286
- File Upload: Basic Mode does not apply buttonProps #6255
- Multiple Components: Augment vue using declare module 'vue' instead of declare module '@vue/runtime-core' (and declare module 'vue/types/vue') to avoid compilebreaks #6199
4.0.5 (2024-08-23)
Fixed bugs:
- aria-hidden errors on browsers #6269
- Accordion, Button, Step, Tab: Invalid prop warnings when component object passed to as prop #6266
- Carousel: Index is undefined in PassThroughOptions #6264
- Drawer: Nested drawer dissmis #6262
- Accordion and Tabs value prop type definion extensions #6252
- DatePicker: responsiveOptions doesn't work #6250
- ScrollTop: ScrollTop button not displayed correctly when ripple effect is enabled #6249
- Stepper: activateCallback has incorrect signature #6225
- SpeedDial: Invalid aria-controls value being set in list items #6221
- InputNumber: Buttons disappear when clicked if inside of an InputGroup #6212
- IconField: 'iconfield' does not exist in type 'PrimeVuePTOptions' #6206
- DatePicker: switching to year view when modelValue is populated #6203
- Select: In case of Filter and AutoFocusFilter enabled focus is lost #6194
- InputOtp - allow NumpadEnter event #6182
- [MenuBar]: Slow performance #6164
- Dialog: [V4] When it non-fixed, it will cause the appendTo target shrink or joggled. #6160
- Menu section: PassThrough context.item has not right MenuItem entry #6055
- FileUpload v4.0.0-beta.3: Subsequent file selections no longer possible in basic mode (regression from v4.0.0-beta.2) #5748
- InputMask number repeat #3623
4.0.4 (2024-08-02)
Fixed bugs:
- Button: undeclared color styles of outlined buttons #6169
- Tree: none selectable child defect in selection mode #6159
- DataTable: paginator passthrough is now pcPaginator #6154
- DatePicker: Icon is visible when calendar is on inline mode #6153
- Fieldset: toggle icon does not work if there is a legend slot #6144
- Button component disabled No transition effect#6140
- Dialog: Missing 're-focus original element on close' fix in v4 that was present in v3 #6139
- ButtonGroup: Missing buttongroup in PrimeVuePTOptions #6137
- lara and nora presets import virtualscroller from aura preset #6128
- DatePicker: Day name didn't show when i set locale manualy #6125
- Datepicker: Month selection highlighting problem in range mode #6120
- Dialog: Release mouse outside the dialog would close the dialog when dismissableMask is true. #6116
- DatePicker: cannot type an end date that is the same as the start date. #6106
- InputMask: Missing id property #6100
- DatePicker: can not typing same date using input #6081
- StepList and StepPanels: Different type than of Stepper, Step and StepPanel #6059
- Drawer: Footer Div/Slot added by default #6048
- ContextMenu: The item action is not executed on Enter key when the "item" template has been redefined #5983
- Popover - Misplaced arrow #5915
- Calendar: Keydown Event not firing #5870
- InputOtp: (integerOnly) No response when pressing Enter and Tab #5386
4.0.3 (2024-07-30)
Fixed bugs:
- InputMask: Fluid injection defect #6150
- Misalignment of icons due to Tailwind Preflight #6148
- ColorPicker: [Vue warn]: Property "inputId" was accessed during render but is not defined on instance. #6135
4.0.2 (2024-07-26)
Fixed bugs:
- Toast: Unstyled prop does not affect ToastMessage #6098
- ConfirmDialog and ConfirmPopup: Missing accept/reject labels #6075
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
4.0.1 (2024-07-22)
Fixed bugs:
- SELECT: hide clear button when options is empty in Dropdown #6084
- Lara theme type #6065
- Paginator: v4 page buttons still have PrimeVue classes in unstyled mode #6064
- TabList: ripple warn when Ripple is not been registered. #6057
- Stepper: Nested Components are re-mounted #6052
- Tree: filter pt implementation defect #6043
- DataTable: Frozen Columns, the headers of fixed columns will overlap. #6036
- IconField: Does not support multiple icons#6034
- InputMask: Passed props are not set #6025
- BaseComponent: Missing import 'isFunction' #6024
- Failed to use Primevue 4 with yarn #6020
- TABS: Globally enabling Ripple breaks Scrollable Tabs #6017
- Accordion: Theming content background not working #5997
- AutoComplete: Combining multiple + dropdown does not work #5881
4.0.0 (2024-07-03)
Breaking Changes:
- Remove .p-fluid and add new fluid property #6000
Fixed bugs:
- options.resolve is not a function in auto-import-resolver package #6003
- DataTable: highlightOnSelect single selection defect #6002
- Stepper: linear mode disabled header defect #6001
- OverlayBadge: Failed to resolve component: Badge #5991
- Nuxt module component autoImport in v4 rc3 doesn't work with component prefixes #5980
- MultiSelect: 'v-if="filter"' erroneously removed in v4 #5978
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Add as and asChild property to Button #5996
4.0.0-rc.3 (2024-06-27)
Fixed bugs:
- MultiSelect: missing loadingIcon passthrough option in documentation #5964
- [Core]: PrimeVue 4 is causing a memory leak #5957
- InputMask: FloatLabel defects #5956
- Checkbox: Icon slot does not provide information about the indeterminate state #5942
- Tooltip: the arrow can not show in bottom position. #5916
- BlockUI bug SSR: when I reload the page I get the following error #5912
- InputMask: v4 no classes are passed to target inpud component #5908
- DatePicker: not highlight range of month in monthMode #5886
- DatePicker: not highlight range of year in yearMode #5833
- CSS not Server Side Rendered with PrimeVue 4 / Nuxt 3 #5945
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
4.0.0-rc.2 (2024-06-16)
Fixed bugs:
- Themes are installed by the wrong package #5898
- [nuxt] Could not access pt. The only available runtime config keys on the client side are public and app #5895
- primevue@4.0.0-rc.1 incorrect background colors #5894
- Menu: Using the popup mode, the menu has a transparent background in dark mode. #5890
- Select: Invalid padding calc when clear icon present #5847
4.0.0-beta.5 (2024-06-12)
Breaking Changes:
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- primevue@4.0.0-beta.4: primevue/themes/aura/overlaybadge cannot be resolved #5811
4.0.0-beta.4 (2024-05-30)
- Deprecate inputStyle and add inputVariant #5786
Breaking Changes:
- Deprecated slots #5785
- Renamed properties #5784
- Add OverlayBadge component, deprecate Badge directive #5769
- Dialog: rtl removed #5763
Fixed bugs:
- Popover: Arrow offset uses wrong design token #5755
- InputNumber: Missing type declaration for buttons leads to form submit on button click #5700
- DatePicker: Focus blink on select #5676
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Load primitive, semantic and global styles in styled mode #5789
- [All components]: TypeScript emits are in an incompatible format with defineEmits #5405
4.0.0-beta.3 (2024-05-15)
- Deprecated: InputChips #5744
Breaking Changes:
- Removed Utility Classes #5727
- Fieldset: #legend updates #5719
- Table: remove responsiveLayout #5717
- FileUpload: basic mode button label & file label changes #5715
- Remove Drawer size #5714
- Deprecated emits #5721
- Deprecated properties #5683
- Deprecated slots #5682
- Key name changes for pt property #5681
Fixed bugs:
- Tabs: Ripple Position #5690
- [v4 beta1: InputMask] Placeholder attribute does not work #5664
- Accordion: "Invalid watch source: undefined" and "Failed to resolve directive: ripple" #5733
- v4: TypeError: Theme__default.default.setPreset is not a function when configuring theme configuration using definePreset in vitest tests #5689
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
4.0.0-beta.2 (2024-05-03)
- Deprecated: TabView #5622
Breaking Changes:
- TreeTable CSS and responsive structure improvements #5678
- Deprecated properties #5662
- Deprecated slots #5661
- Legacy & New alternative components #5612
- Key name changes for pt property #5592
- Remove legacy CSS rules #5493
- warning property name changed as warn #5591
- Removed properties #5553
- Component Replacements #5548
- Remove iconPosition from IconField #5547
Fixed bugs:
- FileUpload v4: disabled property does not disable choose button (it only disables the choose functionality) #5529
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
- Add sideEffects: false to nested package.json files on components #5668
- Remove base option from theme config #5667
- Reimplement: Accordion #5643
- New Component: Tabs #5621
Breaking Changes:
- New Styled Mode Implementation #5501
- Remove changeTheme method from $primevue #5000
- Remove deprecated Tailwind Pass Through Object #5478
- Removed components #5476
- Remove primevue[.min].css from build #5481
- Remove themes folder from resources #5477
- Core behavior changes #5437
- Component Replacements #5426
Implemented New Features and Enhancements: